Social Support

Social Care

At Vermuyden Care, we've seen first hand the difference that just having someone to talk to can make. Befriending is a great way to ensure you or your loved receives the support they need to become more fully involved. We can take you to and from appointments, but more importantly we can listen. Even if you'd just like someone to pop round for a cuppa, we can make sure that you've got company, day or night. Contact our team in Doncaster to find out more.

Get in touch

The benefits of befriending include:

  • Increases confidence
  • Your befriender can take you to and from appointments, so you can take up activities you used to enjoy
  • Getting out and about more increases your physical activity
  • Improves mental health and wellbeing
  • Fights loneliness

Combating loneliness

According to The Silver Line Charity, more than half of people aged 75 or older live alone. We can provide some of the people that don't have a support network with companionship and make that there's always someone there when they need to talk. To find out more about the benefits of befriending, get in touch today.

Join our team

Companionship makes a difference

If you'd like our befrienders to help with errands or light housework, please just let us know and we'll be happy to help.

For more information about befriending, contact Vermuyden Care in Doncaster on:

Phone number
Park Terrace, Doncaster, DN1 2QQ, United Kingdom


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